Source code for file_config.handlers.ini

# Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen Bunn <>
# ISC License <>

import warnings

from ._common import BaseHandler
from ..contrib.ini_parser import INIParser

[docs]class INIHandler(BaseHandler): """ The INI serialization handler. .. important:: INI files **cannot** support arrays of mappings. Using these in your config and trying to dump to ini will throw a :class:`ValueError` and will fail serialization. If you need to use a config with arrays of mappings use `toml <>`_ instead. This use case is one of the many things toml does better than traditional config files. """ name = "ini" packages = ("configparser",) options = {"root": None, "delimiter": ":", "empty_sections": False}
[docs] def on_configparser_dumps(self, configparser, config, dictionary, **kwargs): """ The :mod:`configparser` dumps method. :param module configparser: The ``configparser`` module :param class config: The instance's config class :param dict dictionary: The dictionary instance to serialize :param str root: The top-level section of the ini file, defaults to ``config.__name__``, optional :param str delimiter: The delimiter character used for representing nested dictionaries, defaults to ":", optional :return: The ini serialization of the given ``dictionary`` :rtype: str """ root_section = kwargs.pop("root") if not isinstance(root_section, str): root_section = config.__name__ delimiter = kwargs.pop("delimiter", ":") if delimiter in root_section: warnings.warn( f"root section {root_section!r} contains delimiter character " f"{delimiter!r}, loading from the resulting content will likely fail" ) try: return INIParser.from_dict( dictionary, root_section=root_section, delimiter=kwargs.pop("delimiter", ":"), empty_sections=kwargs.pop("empty_sections", False), ).to_ini() except ValueError: raise ValueError("INI cannot handle this config, try using toml instead")
[docs] def on_configparser_loads(self, configparser, config, content, **kwargs): """ The :mod:`configparser` loads method. :param module configparser: The ``configparser`` module :param class config: The loading config class :param str content: The content to deserialize :return: The deserialized dictionary :rtype: dict """ return INIParser.from_ini(content).to_dict( delimiter=kwargs.pop("delimiter", ":") )