Source code for file_config.handlers.xml

# Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen Bunn <>
# ISC License <>

from ._common import BaseHandler

[docs]class XMLHandler(BaseHandler): """ The XML serialization handler. """ name = "xml" packages = ("lxml",) options = { "root": None, "pretty": False, "xml_declaration": False, "encoding": "utf-8", }
[docs] def on_lxml_dumps(self, lxml, config, dictionary, **kwargs): """ The `lxml <>`_ dumps method. :param module lxml: The ``lxml`` module :param class config: The instance's config class :param dict dictionary: The dictionary to serialize :param str root: The root tag of the xml document, defaults to the config instance's name, optional :param bool pretty: Pretty format the resulting xml document, defaults to False, optional :param bool xml_declaration: Add the xml declaration header to the resulting xml document, defaults to False, optional :param str encoding: The encoding to use for the resulting xml document, defaults to "utf-8", optional :returns: The XML serialization :rtype: str """ # NOTE: lazy import of XMLParser because class requires lxml to exist on import from ..contrib.xml_parser import XMLParser root = kwargs.pop("root") if not isinstance(root, str): root = config.__name__ return XMLParser.from_dict(dictionary, root=root).to_xml( pretty=kwargs.pop("pretty", False), xml_declaration=kwargs.pop("xml_declaration", False), encoding=kwargs.pop("encoding", "utf-8"), )
[docs] def on_lxml_loads(self, lxml, config, content, **kwargs): """ The `lxml <>`_ loads method. :param module lxml: The ``lxml`` module :param class config: The loading config class :param str content: The content to deserialize :param str encoding: The encoding to read the given xml document as, defaults to "utf-8", optional :returns: The deserialized dictionary :rtype: dict """ # NOTE: lazy import of XMLParser because class requires lxml to exist on import from ..contrib.xml_parser import XMLParser return XMLParser.from_xml( content, encoding=kwargs.pop("encoding", "utf-8") ).to_dict()