Source code for file_config._file_config

# Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen Bunn <>
# ISC License <>

from typing import Any
from functools import partialmethod
from collections import OrderedDict

import attr
import jsonschema

from . import handlers
from .utils import (
from .constants import CONFIG_KEY
from .schema_builder import build_schema

class _ConfigEntry(object):
    """ Configuration entry.

    type = attr.ib(default=None)
    default = attr.ib(type=Any, default=None)
    name = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
    title = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
    description = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
    required = attr.ib(type=bool, default=True)
    examples = attr.ib(type=list, default=None)
    encoder = attr.ib(default=None)
    decoder = attr.ib(default=None)
    min = attr.ib(type=(int, float), default=None)
    max = attr.ib(type=(int, float), default=None)
    unique = attr.ib(type=bool, default=None)
    contains = attr.ib(type=list, default=None)

def _handle_dumps(self, handler, **kwargs):
    """ Dumps caller, used by partial method for dynamic handler assignments.

    :param object handler: The dump handler
    :return: The dumped string
    :rtype: str

    return handler.dumps(self.__class__, to_dict(self), **kwargs)

def _handle_dump(self, handler, file_object, **kwargs):
    """ Dump caller, used by partial method for dynamic handler assignments.

    :param object handler: The dump handler
    :param file file_object: The file object to dump to
    :return: The dumped string
    :rtype: str

    return handler.dump(self.__class__, to_dict(self), file_object, **kwargs)

def _handle_loads(cls, handler, content, validate=False, **kwargs):
    """ Loads caller, used by partial method for dynamic handler assignments.

    :param object handler: The loads handler
    :param str content: The content to load from
    :param bool validate: Performs content validation before loading,
        defaults to False, optional
    :return: The loaded instance
    :rtype: object

    return from_dict(cls, handler.loads(cls, content, **kwargs), validate=validate)

def _handle_load(cls, handler, file_object, validate=False, **kwargs):
    """ Loads caller, used by partial method for dynamic handler assignments.

    :param object handler: The loads handler
    :param file file_object: The file object to load from
    :param bool validate: Performs content validation before loading,
        defaults to False, optional
    :return: The loaded instance
    :rtype: object

    return from_dict(cls, handler.load(cls, file_object, **kwargs), validate=validate)

[docs]def config( maybe_cls=None, these=None, title=None, description=None, schema_id=None, schema_draft=None, **kwargs, ): """ File config class decorator. Usage is to simply decorate a **class** to make it a :func:`config <file_config._file_config.config>` class. >>> import file_config >>> @file_config.config( title="My Config Title", description="A description about my config" ) class MyConfig(object): pass :param class maybe_cls: The class to inherit from, defaults to None, optional :param dict these: A dictionary of str to ``file_config.var`` to use as attribs :param str title: The title of the config, defaults to None, optional :param str description: A description of the config, defaults to None, optional :param str schema_id: The JSONSchema ``$id`` to use when building the schema, defaults to None, optional :param str schema_raft: The JSONSchema ``$schema`` to use when building the schema, defaults to None, optional :return: Config wrapped class :rtype: class """ def wrap(config_cls): """ The wrapper function. :param class config_cls: The class to wrap :return: The config_cls wrapper :rtype: class """ setattr( config_cls, CONFIG_KEY, dict( title=title, description=description, schema_id=schema_id, schema_draft=schema_draft, ), ) # dynamically assign available handlers to the wrapped class for handler_name in handlers.__all__: handler = getattr(handlers, handler_name) if handler.available: handler = handler() setattr( config_cls, f"dumps_{}", partialmethod(_handle_dumps, handler), ) setattr( config_cls, f"dump_{}", partialmethod(_handle_dump, handler), ) setattr( config_cls, f"loads_{}", partialmethod(_handle_loads, handler), ) setattr( config_cls, f"load_{}", partialmethod(_handle_load, handler), ) config_vars = these if isinstance(these, dict) else None config_options = { key: value for (key, value) in kwargs.items() if key not in ("slots",) } return attr.s(config_cls, these=config_vars, slots=True, **config_options) if maybe_cls is None: return wrap else: return wrap(maybe_cls)
[docs]def var( type=None, # noqa default=None, name=None, title=None, description=None, required=True, examples=None, encoder=None, decoder=None, min=None, # noqa max=None, # noqa unique=None, contains=None, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a config variable. Use this method to create the class variables of your :func:`config <file_config._file_config.config>` decorated class. >>> import file_config >>> @file_config.config class MyConfig(object): name = file_config.var(str) :param type type: The expected type of the variable, defaults to None, optional :param default: The default value of the var, defaults to None, optional :param str name: The serialized name of the variable, defaults to None, optional :param str title: The validation title of the variable, defaults to None, optional :param str description: The validation description of the variable, defaults to None, optional :param bool required: Flag to indicate if variable is required during validation, defaults to True, optional :param list examples: A list of validation examples, if necessary, defaults to None, optional :param encoder: The encoder to use for the var, defaults to None, optional :param decoder: The decoder to use for the var, defaults to None, optional :param int min: The minimum constraint of the variable, defaults to None, optional :param int max: The maximum constraint of the variable, defaults to None, optional :param bool unique: Flag to indicate if variable should be unique, may not apply to all variable types, defaults to None, optional :param contains: Value that list varaible should contain in validation, may not apply to all variable types, defaults to None, optional :return: A new config variable :rtype: attr.Attribute """ # NOTE: this method overrides some of the builtin Python method names on purpose in # order to supply a readable and easy to understand api # In this case it is not dangerous as they are only overriden in the scope and are # never used within the scope kwargs.update(dict(default=default, type=type)) return attr.ib( metadata={ CONFIG_KEY: _ConfigEntry( type=type, default=default, name=name, title=title, description=description, required=required, examples=examples, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, min=min, max=max, unique=unique, contains=contains, ) }, **kwargs, )
[docs]def make_config( name, var_dict, title=None, description=None, schema_id=None, schema_draft=None, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a config instance from scratch. Usage is virtually the same as :func:`attr.make_class`. >>> import file_config >>> MyConfig = file_config.make_config( "MyConfig", {"name": file_config.var(str)} ) :param str name: The name of the config :param dict var_dict: The dictionary of config variable definitions :param str title: The title of the config, defaults to None, optional :param str description: The description of the config, defaults to None, optional :param str schema_id: The JSONSchema ``$id`` to use when building the schema, defaults to None, optional :param str schema_raft: The JSONSchema ``$schema`` to use when building the schema, defaults to None, optional :return: A new config class :rtype: class """ return config( attr.make_class(name, attrs={}, **kwargs), these=var_dict, title=title, description=description, schema_id=schema_id, schema_draft=schema_draft, )
def _build(config_cls, dictionary, validate=False): # noqa """ Builds an instance of ``config_cls`` using ``dictionary``. :param type config_cls: The class to use for building :param dict dictionary: The dictionary to use for building ``config_cls`` :param bool validate: Performs validation before building ``config_cls``, defaults to False, optional :return: An instance of ``config_cls`` :rtype: object """ if not is_config_type(config_cls): raise ValueError( f"cannot build {config_cls!r} from {dictionary!r}, " f"{config_cls!r} is not a config" ) # perform jsonschema validation on the given dictionary # (simplifys dynamic typecasting) if validate: jsonschema.validate(dictionary, build_schema(config_cls)) kwargs = {} for var in attr.fields(config_cls): if not is_config_var(var): continue entry = var.metadata[CONFIG_KEY] arg_key = if else arg_default = var.default if var.default is not None else None arg_type = entry.type if entry.type else var.type if callable(entry.decoder): kwargs[] = entry.decoder(dictionary.get(arg_key, arg_default)) continue if is_array_type(arg_type): if is_typing_type(arg_type) and len(arg_type.__args__) > 0: nested_type = arg_type.__args__[0] if is_config_type(nested_type): kwargs[] = [ _build(nested_type, item) for item in dictionary.get(arg_key, []) ] else: kwargs[] = typecast(arg_type, dictionary.get(arg_key, [])) elif is_object_type(arg_type): item = dictionary.get(arg_key, {}) if is_typing_type(arg_type) and len(arg_type.__args__) == 2: (_, value_type) = arg_type.__args__ kwargs[] = { key: _build(value_type, value) if is_config_type(value_type) else typecast(value_type, value) for (key, value) in item.items() } else: kwargs[] = typecast(arg_type, item) elif is_config_type(arg_type): if arg_key not in dictionary: # if the default value for a nested config is the nested config class # then build the empty state of the nested config if is_config_type(arg_default) and arg_type == arg_default: kwargs[] = _build(arg_type, {}) else: kwargs[] = arg_default else: kwargs[] = _build( arg_type, dictionary.get(arg_key, arg_default) ) else: if arg_key not in dictionary: kwargs[] = arg_default else: kwargs[] = typecast( arg_type, dictionary.get(arg_key, arg_default) ) return config_cls(**kwargs) def _dump(config_instance, dict_type=OrderedDict): """ Dumps an instance from ``instance`` to a dictionary type mapping. :param object instance: The instance to serialized to a dictionary :param object dict_type: Some dictionary type, defaults to ``OrderedDict`` :return: Dumped dictionary :rtype: collections.OrderedDict (or instance of ``dict_type``) """ if not is_config(config_instance): raise ValueError( f"cannot dump instance {config_instance!r} to dict, " "instance is not a config class" ) result = dict_type() for var in attr.fields(config_instance.__class__): if not is_config_var(var): continue entry = var.metadata[CONFIG_KEY] dump_key = if else dump_default = var.default if var.default else None dump_type = entry.type if entry.type else var.type if callable(entry.encoder): result[dump_key] = entry.encoder( getattr(config_instance,, dump_default) ) continue if is_array_type(dump_type): items = getattr(config_instance,, []) if items is not None: result[dump_key] = [ (_dump(item, dict_type=dict_type) if is_config(item) else item) for item in items ] elif is_enum_type(dump_type): dump_value = getattr(config_instance,, dump_default) result[dump_key] = ( dump_value.value if dump_value in dump_type else dump_value ) elif is_bytes_type(dump_type): result[dump_key] = encode_bytes( getattr(config_instance,, dump_default) ) else: if is_config_type(dump_type): result[dump_key] = _dump( getattr(config_instance,, {}), dict_type=dict_type ) else: dump_value = getattr(config_instance,, dump_default) if is_object_type(type(dump_value)): dump_value = { key: ( _dump(value, dict_type=dict_type) if is_config(value) else value ) for (key, value) in dump_value.items() } if dump_value is not None: result[dump_key] = dump_value return result
[docs]def validate(instance): """ Validates a given ``instance``. :param object instance: The instance to validate :raises jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: On failed validation """ jsonschema.validate( to_dict(instance, dict_type=dict), build_schema(instance.__class__) )
[docs]def from_dict(config_cls, dictionary, validate=False): """ Loads an instance of ``config_cls`` from a dictionary. :param type config_cls: The class to build an instance of :param dict dictionary: The dictionary to load from :param bool validate: Preforms validation before building ``config_cls``, defaults to False, optional :return: An instance of ``config_cls`` :rtype: object """ return _build(config_cls, dictionary, validate=validate)
[docs]def to_dict(instance, dict_type=OrderedDict): """ Dumps an instance to an dictionary mapping. :param object instance: The instance to dump :param object dict_type: The dictionary type to use, defaults to ``OrderedDict`` :return: Dictionary serialization of instance :rtype: OrderedDict """ return _dump(instance, dict_type=dict_type)